
The Ugly Truth About Coffee’s Effects On Your Body

I’ll teach you how to become to media’s go-to expert in your field. Enroll in The Professional’s Media Academy now: https://www.professionalsmediaacademy.com Listen to my podcast, @DoctorMikeCheckup here: YouTube: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/youtube/channel/TheCheckUp Spotify: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/spotify/CheckUpSpotify Apple Podcasts: https://go.doctormikemedia.com/applepodcast/ApplePodcasts Some of you drink coffee every single day, maybe even multiple times a…

7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike

Hey, guys! Today, I’ll be telling you about the 7 scientifically proven health benefits of green tea and how to drink it to maximize its effects. Remember what you drink is just as, if not more important than what you don’t drink! So if you replace an…